Well first, i wanna tell you that i'm to post a randomness. Cause in this mid of night, some random things just came to mind. I don't always sleep late, but when i do, i do something. Well, i just thought so many things. Inspirations supposed to be appear at time like this, at quiet-calm-so slow-so minyiminyi night like this. I read a book and magazine, i sang a song, i watched a video clip, and many more. Do you know what is coming to my mind?
1. Why; mom's smile is so warm?
2. Why; instant noodle is so delicious?
3. Why; a song can make you dance?
4. Why; youth doesn't too interest with traditional culture?
5. Why; kiko's short hair makes her look so cool?
6. Why; so comfy when you wear hotel sandal?
7. Why; train (with its beauty views from its windows) is the best transportation for me?
8. Why; i'm so interested in journalistic but i'm so not good?
9. Why; i love daydream-ing?
And the last is..
10. Why; girls are so easy to cry?
I bet that you will guess that i will continue the post with galauly? Yes, you're 80% right. lol. I'm a girl and i'm so easy to cry (well it doesn't happen to every girl). When you're sad, you cry. When you're happy, you cry. Even when you're sleepy, you cry. I mean you tear up, but well i call it as 'cry' too. It may a destiny from God? I think it's the best emotion or reaction of body, it makes you feel free after that, makes your heart light, makes your tiredness disappear. Well, cry makes you heart loads dissapear, although the problems haven't gone away, at least you feel more free than before.
I'm not a brave-to-angry girl, i always make my burden of heart disappear with cry. You may say i'm a fractious, but yes i am. I always try to hide my tears, but i don't always succeed. When i cry in the night then i sleep, then everybody can guess that i've cry at the morning. I used to (and always till now) cry for someone. For everything they done to me. But sometimes, i think that cry is a reflction of your feeling. When you truly love someone, you'll cry for him/her. When you miss someone, you'll cry (while craving for meeting eventhough just for a while). When he/she do something that makes your heart shaken, you cry. Maybe it's good at first when you cry, but when you cry too often, it will anoys them. Then you just have two options; you have to hide your tears or learn to not crying too often. Well, if i can, i'll choose both of them. Sometimes i love crying, specially when i miss someone. It might not have made a sense of missed just fade away, but at least, yes i tell you once again, burden in my heart disappear. Maybe the feeling of missing go away with tears.
I don't know what's the point of this post, so i titled it 'randomness'. But i think you can guess where's the post conical? Yes, in this random night, i miss someone and i cry. So,
"Respect every second when you're with lovely people arround you. They might not always in your side everytime you want, or everytime you need."
*lol, i feel my brain is working when i'm sad so i can post something.
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