Books and Reading

Reading. What is the first thing come to mind when you hear that word? Boring? Yup, you have the same idea with me. Reading is boring thing for me, of course for many people too. I very very don't like reading. Seeing words, thick books, makes me sick. I understimate my sef that i will never can reading a book, especially a thick book. I feel okay at first, but the days passed, months passed and years passed. Now i'm an university student, i'm not a high school student anymore. I realize that i need to read. Reading helps you much, not only in college life, but in your real life. Besides increasing your knowledge, reading makes you creative, reading is inspiring. Yes, now i realized. Altough i can't directly read thick books, at least i start to like reading a book. 
I love books, not reading. I love cute things. So i love cute books. Yes, you can blame a man who made "Don't judge book by its cover.' quotes. Because until now, i still consider a book cover when i want to start reading ( i think i'm not the only one ryt?). It's not a big deal for people who don't like reading, at least i try to like it. I started to look for good books and i found them. 

The books are interesting with their ilustration (with the good content of course). I recommend these books to you guys who don't like reading and wanna start to love reading. Well, c'mon let's peep these cutie-cute books!

1. 88 LOVE LIFE by Diana Rikasari
I'm sure that you all already knew this book. This book is (almost) always in 'bestseller place' in mostly bookshelves of book store. This book created by Diana Rikasari as an author and Dinda Puspitasari as an illustrator. They made the collaboration awesome! Inspiring quotes with cute illustrator? I bet it won't make you yawn and then cover your mouth with your hand.

2. DO by Handoko Hendroyono
The second recommendation is DO! Yes, do. You have to do, do start, do explore, do compose, do share, do good, do great, and do learn. You won't make any good changes without start doing something in your life. The book is about how to make a change in your life by branding your self. You have to be crative, active and productive. Start doing something by make your own brand for your bussiness, because in the era of shopisticated like nowadays, everything sues you to survive in this cruel life. By reading this book, you'll know about how important a 'brand' in today. 

Well, before i end the post, i wanna to share about how to increase your interest in reading. Just follow these five pleasurable ways, check it out:
1. Read something you love or something interest you
You'll find your own joy when you do or meet something you love and it makes you so comfort to do this. Apply this when you wanna start to love reading. Read something you love. If your hobby is photography, read books about photography, and something like that.
2. Start by reading a thin and easy book
Looking a thick book makes you feel down and decrease your interest to read if you aren't used to read. Start read by reading a thick book. Then, if you aren't used to read, it means that your insight about literature is not too much then you can't digest a book with a hard literature well. So, start read by reading a simple book with easy words.
3. Read a book that have good illustration
Like i said before, looking a thick book makes you feel down. Just as it, looking too many words makes you pusing or even makes you get headache:( so read a book with good illustration, it won't make you bored and increase your interest in reading, even your curiosity.
4. Once you start reading, don't sop!
If you aren't used to read, you will hard to read a book until the end. So, if you can read one book, just continue to read another books and don't take a long time when you're spending a book. Because when you stop, it will be so hard to collect the intention and desire to start reading again.
5. Realize that reading is the key of life
Why do i say thet reading is the key of life? Well, life needs knowledge and you can increase your knowledge well by reading books. I know that reading is boring, but as i said before, soon or later you'll realize that reading is important in life. 


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