Early Year Post: Planning

Hi, long time no see. Is it too late for me greeting for new year? It's still January, so i feel it's not too late. Year has changed, it's 2016 already. Well, i won't make a "happy new year" post. I just wanna thank to God for everything i have in 2015. For great experiences, lovely people who surrounded me; parrents, brother, family, friends, boyfriend, etc, awesome love story -i hope that the story is always the same, or even better -, and many more, everything that i have to thank to God for every detail in my life. 
In this year, i almost reach 20 years old. Alhamdulillah, i've been living in this beautiful world for almost twenty years. It means that i have to be mature. You don't have to act so-not-like-you to be mature or doing what adults do. You just have to make your personality better and realize that you're not kid anymore. You have to make something change in your life. Handle your emotions. And the most important is make goals for your future life.
(foto laptop, agenda, pouch dan pulpen)
I tell you ounce again, plan is important in your life and like people said; 
"A dream without a goal is a wish and a goal without a plan is just a dream."
Well, look out how plan is important. In this year, i wanna make my plans. I wanna make my life to be more structure then i can reach my goals easier. Then, a stuff i need is a cute agenda! Yup, it must a cute one. A good stuff can make people more spirit and crative. 
(foto agenda doang)
(foto isi agenda: 2016 goal)
(foto isi agenda: inspiring poto from magazine)
So, make this year awesome! Be better than before, be a new you, be a new amazing you! Love. 


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